The Cut Hut – Package Design Shop

Taking Over the World One Package at a Time!

Inside the homemade cardboard door that leads to the Inventionland Factory Cut Shop, talented creationeers work together to create cost-effective packaging solutions that appeal to consumers. They collaborate to ensure clients, retailers and consumers are presented with the best packaging on the market. These compromises are the successes that you see on store shelves every day.

Package Design that Gives Inventions an Edge

Take the packaging for the Fuel Helmet, the package design actually allows consumers to try the helmet on for size before even taking it out of the box. The design was a big win with the manufacturer as it helped reduce package damage. 

For just one example of how the Inventionland team gets things done in the Cut Shop, see how the Industrial Design Excellence Award-winning BikeBoard was created, and uniquely packaged for manufacturing.